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Virtual Great Walker

The students had their own inquiry questions and enjoyed the freedom to move around the field trip. They are learning to refer to their evidence in their statements of writing, and a LEARNZ field trip is a great resource for doing that.

Suzanne Paice from St Bernard's School Brooklyn

Audio conference was brilliant - by far the best component of the field trip (for us)! I used it (the field trip) from a health and physical education and science perspective.

Sarah Gaskin from Chertsey School

Engagement levels were awesome during our field trip. A GREAT FIELD TRIP! Lots of discussion, questioning, making connections. We linked some of our camp planning to the field trip, especially in terms of preparing for our hike and looking at the species of plants and creatures in our camping environment. Allows another teacher (the LEARNZ Teacher) to be in the room! Lessons are easy to plan from the field trip.

Tinaka Pawa from Oturu School

My students loved Rudd and his enthusiasm for the great outdoors and flora and fauna. We have been doing individual inquiries on the Great Walks and used this one as a model to show students what is out there and what they could do. It integrated english, science, visual arts, health and physical education.

Teresa Hutchins from St Mary's School Hastings

We are learning about Living things so this field trip connected in with our science unit.  As part of the Great Walks unit we are also trying to walk as much as we can this term which connects with the Key Competency of participation and contribution. Students found it very engaging and enjoyed being able to go on the LEARNZ website at home as well.  One student and their family is now going to go and walk the Routeburn Track next school holidays.

Te Ireland from Karoro School

Interesting and inspiring for my year 4 students, LEARNZ quizzed and challenged my children to be deeper thinkers. The field trip was something 'real' the children could learn about and it linked to all KCs and the principles of the NZC. Great for all learner needs.

Nichole Bichan from Rosebank School Balclutha

I integrated this field trip into my Literacy programme, with links to Health and PE, which is our overall focus this term. The Key Competencies are integrated into everything we do, Shelley did a great job at modelling many of these, Managing Self, Participating and Contributing,  and Thinking for example. Great to have the "Listen" feature, which really helped my ESOL children. My class absolutely loved going on the Great Walk Trip. They learnt so much and it provoked many conversations, including the water cycle! I particularly thought this one was great for boys - what sphagnum moss was used for in the war, Ruud was a bit gross!!!  The boys were hooked.

Louise Parker from Twyford School

Relates well to developing thinking and analysis skills, applying information and evaluating conservation issues. Students used the information as a basis to do further research on NZ Great Walks.

Gavin Kidd from Ellesmere College

It helped to put our school values and KC's in a real learning experience - one which the students could discuss. It also allows my class to have access to experts.

Sarah Laugeson from Lynton Downs School

Students said about the live audioconferences: "We got to talk to real people who are actually there" and "We get to ask questions and they actually listened to us". This field trip enabled my students of different academic abilities to all access the same information in a number of different ways, which led to great discussion and debate about aspects of physical activity and conservation.

Shelley Galloway from St Albans School

Our Inquiry is called "Waipahihi Kakariki". We are a pilot school involved in Kids Greening Taupo so it was very appropriate to our Inquiry. We are wanting to plant natives to bring back native birds into our area so this field trip supported it well.

Beth Willis from Waipahihi School

It was a great support for the Virtual Great Walkers competition, that we have entered in. Lots of helpful information that covered all areas. Valuable resource.

Stacey Hockey from Gisborne Home School

This field trip ... encouraged students to develop Future Focused thinking - how the way we interact with our environment now, impacts on the future.

Marcia Ferguson from Rosebank School Balclutha

It was very engaging for all students and they learnt a lot. It was also easy to integrate across the curriculum. Very effective to encourage fitness and knowledge of other New Zealand Great Walks.

Bridget Patrick from Rosebank School Balclutha

Great for extension group. Broad range of materials for reading and writing.

Rhys Clark from Rahotu School

For the Year 7/8 class I was working with, the field trip tied in perfectly with their camp (Borland Lodge). It worked well using the background pages as build up prior to camp, then using the audio-conferences the week following the camp.

Marcia Ferguson from Rosebank School Balclutha


The field trip was very effective, especially from the view point of engagement and motivation as the students felt it was relevant and real.

Jeremy Shroff from Glendowie School

Rather than just researching independently about Antarctica, the students enjoyed having a variety of tools at their fingertips. The mixture of videos, photos, quiz etc kept students interested and being able to listen to the information rather than having to read it is highly beneficial.

Marcia Karaitiana from West Gore School

My students have a different view of the world we live in after this field trip. My students love the field trips.

Martie Andrew from Awakeri School

The field trip was extremely appropriate and challenging. Very effective. My class really got into it - it was so well organised for teachers and students.

Jane Austen from Cornwall Park District School

We used the Inquiry method to study Antarctica and we loved it! Shelley's videos created lots for discussion. Brilliant!

Allison Cotter from Newtown School

Interactive, engaging and highly motivating. Helps create partnership between home and school as students are extremely keen to share the field trip experiences with their parents.

Karen Edwards from Brightwater School

It has been one of the best units I have taught in my 16 years of teaching - I would recommend it to anyone. I do think that it has been particularly successful in my classroom because we signed up for the extras such as the ambassador and the audio conferencing - that's what really made it come alive for me and the children in my class.

Samantha Edwards from Kenakena School

Great for students to have new people connecting to them in a different way, linking many aspects of the curriculum in a real setting.

Janet Valentine from St Brigids School Johnsonville

It was a great way to learn about people places and animals without actually being there.

Jennifer Barrow from Karoro School
