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Love your Rubbish

The definition of waste was a fantastic platform for discussion. Getting the layers from the lining of Kate Valley was very cool and made it that bit more interactive.

SandRa Timmins from A Home School

The trip was very effective for my class as we had just finished a school inquiry based on the Invercargill estuary which had been used as the city dump. It inspires students to do something about their environment or begins conversations about how life used to be and how things change, such as the new technology that has been used to make the Kate Valley landfill safe for the environment.

Paula O'Neill from New River School

The students were very interested and challenged throughout this virtual field trip. It was very appropriate, as we are completing an Inquiry on "Our Environment". The online support section was comprehensive and well organised.

Christine Hailes from North Street School

We used the field trip to plan, implement and evaluate a programme to reduce waste and improve hauora of our school environment. I found the videos and background information very useful for my class and I have used the photos for sequencing ideas for writing. My class loved Andrew's diaries and could connect to him when they viewed the videos. Lots of curriculum links to Health and PE, Social Sciences, English, Science and Key Competencies.

Krishna Ramadugu from Puhinui School

The trip supported the Curriculum values by enabling students to work in differing capacities. LEARNZ gives me the opportunitiy to share experiences from all over NZ with the students in my class whose life experiences may be limited.

Laura Hensley from Rosehill Intermediate

Great way to have EOTC without leaving the classroom. Very visual and it was awesome that they sent us a sample of the liner material they use for the landfill.

Heidi Leathart from Papatoetoe West School

Fantastic, up-to-date, real time, interactive resource on a current environmental issue. Related well to Social Sciences, L.4, innovation, challenges, people, places and environment. NZC Vision: a greater awareness of how students can be positive, lifelong contributors. Values:  linked with innovation, community, ecological sustainability. Principles: community engagement, future focus. Related to all KC's as they were communicating, thinking-inquiry, participating, and completing tasks on time.

Gavin Kidd from Ellesmere College

The field trip supported our study on the Environment and Sustainability and also worked in well with our Zero Waste Education study on Composting. Students were given an insight into landfills and recycling, and the activities gave the students a lot to think about.

Dylan Kiriona from Ohau School

The children all understood and could remember the waste process because of the clarity of the message from the videos.

Denise O'Reilly from Red Beach School

This trip gave the students an insight into ecological sustainability. We also tied in a visit from a council person which gave students an insight into our own rubbish process. Students really enjoy watching the videos at home, which can then encourage further discussion on the topics with families. 

Caroline Arnold from Lepperton School

This field trip was so appropriate for my class - they really enjoyed it and were excited to receive the 3 liner samples from the landfill at Kate Valley. As a teacher, this LEARNZ field trip has seen me use more technology in the classroom, while still including activities like interviews and visiting speakers.

Ngawahine Apanui from Te Waha O Rerekohu Area School

The field trip supported our delivery of the curriculum - especially having the ambassador, as he gave an added interest and focus. Students found it user-friendly and easy to access on our Chromebooks. 

Marian Gray from Tainui School

Very effective as we have been studying zero waste.  Students also gained skills in "Participating and Contributing" and "Managing Self".

Clare Murdoch from Riverview School

This field trip tied in nicely with our work looking at how we can care for the environment. It also tied in with our maths which included students collecting and analysing their own data about the rubbish we have in our class, at home and around school. The boys in particular were actively engaged; students were amazed at what they didn't actually know about the process that our rubbish goes through.

Marcia Karaitiana from Longford Intermediate

I love the authenticity of the experience. Being able to tangibly hold something (the liner that was sent to enrolled classes) and discuss the layers of the landfill, it was very powerful and got the kids thinking.

Gina Matheson from Marshall Laing School

Many accessed the website at home and shared the parts they enjoyed with their family, which was great. My boys loved the machinery and trucks. Great use of technology and targets students of all abilities.

Christine Callingham from St Joseph's School Rangiora

We are looking at product lifecycle in our design class and it showed what happens to the end of products when put into rubbish, and the importance of designers to design for end of life. It enabled students to critically think through what their consumption produces and it was a great way to show students something without having to physically go.

Amanda Beukes from Rangiora New Life School

It (the virtual field trip) helped students think about the environment and how they can contribute to looking after it. The topics related to what we were studying and we did't have to leave the school to experience it.

Peter McDonough from Hebron Christian College (Auckland)

Effective with real time and current information that covered many facets of inquiry and opened up deeper thinking. Receiving the letter with the liner sample from CWS was fabulous! Established a very tangible connection for students.

Richard Kerr from ACG Sunderland

High Country

An invaluable insight into the use of technology in the outside world. It gives students another resource for gathering information from experts in particular fields.

Kevin Jones from Te Rapa School

It assists with student thinking and setting goals and meeting deadlines.

Marne Hendriks from Rosebank School Balclutha

The audio conferences were particularly helpful for our students. As a whanau hub we have been working on aspects of flight and transitioning into digital platforms. This has assisted us to transition our students. 

Charlotte Castle from Redhill School

Exceptionally appropriate for this age group - particularly the videos, web board and photos. The class also loved having Walt (the class mascot) there.

Jo Dudley from Ilam School

In the backchannel it was really interesting to have our questions answered during an audioconference when we weren't a speaking school. This was a Maths group involved in this trip, so it was ideal for providing authenticity to their Maths, alongside the natural integration with all other areas of the curriculum.

Jo Dudley from Ilam School

My year 7 and 8 students have really engaged with the trip material. Thank you for providing such an interesting resource. A lot of my students like to spend time in the bush and were keen to learn more about the application of technology in this area.

Gordon Baird from Tapawera Area School
