Building the Waterview Connection in west Auckland involves a number of construction projects, including moving and upgrading major services on the motorway route and building New Zealand’s longest road tunnels.
The overall project has around 800 to 1000 people working on it in a variety of roles. The project is spread over five separate sites including;
- a concrete making facility in East Tamaki built especially for this project
- a landfill at Wiri in South Auckland
- the motorway route between Ōwairaka and Waterview.
Construction zones
There are three main zones of construction:
- Southern: Above ground works from Maioro Road to the tunnels including work on the Southern Approach tunnel, bridges, Oakley Creek and moving sewer and stormwater pipes
- Tunnels: Underground works to build the two tunnels, 16 cross passages which carry services and the ventilation system
- Northern: Above ground works from the tunnels to State Highway 16, including the Great North Road interchange, Northern Approach Trench and the ventilation station.