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Videos for Memorial Park 3

Each day of the field trip, the LEARNZ Team shoot, edit and upload curriculum-rich videos which help students to feel right up close to the action.

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Tuesday 11 November 2014

1. Memorial Park Project Update - download or watch video (41Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Catch up with Russell Scoones on the steps of the National War Memorial as he gives you a rundown of progress on the Memorial Park project since the last field trip in May 2014.

  1. List some of the changes Russell mentions.
  2. Why is today significant?

Next step learning: Have a look at some videos from the second Memorial Park field trip to get more of an idea of the progress that has been made since last May.

2. Drive Through the Arras Tunnel - download or watch video (35Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
It is time now to take a drive through the new Arras Tunnel.

  1. Although currently blank, what has the electrical sign been showing?
  2. What is special about the lighting in the tunnel?
  3. What do the poppies represent?

Next step learning: Sketch part of the Arras Tunnel. Compare Arras Tunnel with other tunnels you know of.

3. New Road to Arras Tunnel - download or watch video (46Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Site Engineer Rob Dickson explains how a whole new piece of road had to be put in place to take traffic into the tunnel.

  1. Where has Andrew taken you to?
  2. What does the polymer modification in the bitumen help with?
  3. What happened to the traffic on the night when the road leading into the tunnel had to be completed before opening?

Next step learning: Find out if a State Highway project is happening near your town http://nzta.govt.nz/network/projects/results.html.

4. Remote Traffic Operations - download or watch video (43Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Out in Johnsonville there is a very interesting building known as TOC. Get special permission to go inside and find out all about it.

  1. What does TOC stand for?
  2. What “happens” at the Centre?
  3. Is TOC responsible for monitoring drivers breaking the law?

Next step learning: Find out more about TOC here http://www.nzta.govt.nz/resources/how-the-nzta-keeps-you-moving/docs/how....

5. Tunnel Control with Smart Software - download or watch video (56Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
It's Wayne’s World – but not as you might know it! This is more to do with clever software helping traffic operations.

  1. Operators at TOC are able to control cameras in the Arras Tunnel to pan, t_____ and z_____. Fill in the missing words.
  2. What can the “intelligent cameras” tell operators?
  3. What happens if the system picks up an incident?

Next step learning: Create a flow chart to show your understanding of how this operating system works.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

1. Citizenship and the Memorial Park Project - download or watch video (37Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Take a seat with some students from Hira School and hear what they have to say about importance of war remembrance and the building of Memorial Park.

Next step learning: Have your own discussion about the value of war remembrance. Take a look at page 3 of this NZTA Education Portal newsletter for some discussion ideas.

2. Significance of Arras Tunnel Name - download or watch video (41Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Listen as historian Matthew explains how the Arras Tunnel got its name and its link with New Zealand soldiers who served in Europe.

  1. Where is the town of Arras?
  2. Who extended the quarry to create the tunnels in Arras?
  3. How many people could the tunnels hold?

Next step learning: Find out about the names of prominent buildings or structures near your place.

3. Poppies and the Arras Tunnel - download or watch video (40Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Matthew talks about the significance of red poppies that line the Arras Tunnel walls.

  1. What do poppies symbolise?
  2. Why are poppies on the tunnel wall?
  3. How many poppies are in the tunnel and what does this number represent?

Next step learning: Create some red poppy inspired artwork.

4. Preparing for Commemorations in 2015 - download or watch video (47Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Matthew gives a rundown of the commemorative events that will take place around Wellington and the Memorial Park on Anzac Day 2015. But if you are not in Wellington don’t worry – there are plenty of events happening around the country leading up to and beyond Anzac Day that you can all be part of.

Next step learning: Visit http://ww100.govt.nz/ and http://walkingwithananzac.tumblr.com/ for great ideas on getting involved in New Zealand’s First World War centenary.

Thursday 13 November 2014

1. What Memorial Park will Look Like - download or watch video (40Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Look at an artist’s impression of the finished product in the Memorial Park Alliance information centre with Russell Scoones.

  1. What are the retaining walls being used for?
  2. Why does the paving need to be done so evenly?
  3. What are the pavilions for?

Next step learning: Visit Park Designs & Development for more images to give you an idea of what Memorial Park will look like when it is finished.

2. Landscaping with Hard Materials - download or watch video (61Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Russell Scoones takes you around the park construction site to look at some of the current projects under construction.

  1. Why are the concrete panels made off-site?
  2. What are the concrete panels being used for?
  3. Why is the concrete put under the paving stones fibre-reinforced?

Next step learning: Investigate more about the use of concrete in construction. You might like to watch some videos from Memorial Park 2 which looks at the use of concrete during the tunnel construction phase.

3. Tree Pits - watch or download video (26Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Michelle Knapstein talks through an area in the park currently being prepared for planting.

  1. How do the plastic structures help?
  2. What are the two sets of pipes for?

Next step learning: Find an area in your school that could benefit from some planting. Sketch what the planted area could look like then create some plans, including which trees you would use and maybe even include a concrete element.

4. Rain Gardens and Environmental Design - watch or download video (44Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Michelle explains what a rain garden is and how it is helpful for the environment.

  1. The garden bed has a special “media” in it. What does this do?
  2. Michelle describes this type of design as what?
  3. Why is the relationship between the catchment area and the size of the rain garden important?

Next step learning: Investigate how new developments in your town are taking into consideration the environment within their plans.

5. Field Trip Summary - watch or download video (45Mb mp4 file) or watch on Vimeo
Andrew recaps the field trip week for Memorial Park 3.

  1. Check out some parts of the Memorial Park 3 web site that you haven’t had the chance to yet.
  2. Email Andrew andrew.penny@core-ed.org and let him know how you have been using the website – he would love to see some examples of your work!
  3. Summarise an audioconference you listened to and email it to Andrew to be displayed on the website.
  4. Help your teacher complete the field trip evaluation and send it in by by 4pm Friday, 12 December 2014 for a chance to win the field trip prize.