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Meet Chris Lee


Marketing assistant for the Great War Exhibition being installed at the former Dominion Museum in the National War Memorial Precinct.

Job description: 

I’m helping bring Sir Peter Jackson’s exhibition to the public through communicating with the audience using his creative content, through projecting entertainment value to get people excited about this spectacular project and untold stories of those who have fought for our country.

Assisting head of Customer Services, development of products/packaging, promotional activities and material such as: website building, social media, hosting guests at events, developing presentations, general assisting with visitor experience.

Work background: 

Design internship at Inland Revenue.

Favourite part of job: 

The large scope of different aspects I get to have a hand in – no two days are the same. My first couple of days, I was working on construction plans. Construction plans were very unfamiliar territory, however, I am familiar with the building (from studying in this very building for the last four years). So I found myself rearranging my old studios into a shop, café etc. Then the next day, I’d be working on the outline of a website – see what I mean about a large scope?

I’m applying my creative skills in so many different avenues while constantly learning about the exhibition industry, construction world and WWI history.

Every day is a wonderful challenge, but the more I learn about WWI history, I learn about our history, the history of a nation which wouldn’t be what we know it to be today if it wasn’t for those brave men and women doing their part 100 years ago. I grow more passionate about this project day by day because I’m a part of something which benefits and helps all New Zealanders commemorate a proud moment in our past.

Least favourite part of job: 

Nothing! This is my dream job as I get to use my design and marketing skills on a daily basis.

What I am working on now: 

Building a relationship with Red Cross, gathering media sources for promotion, designing exclusive Great War Exhibition chocolate packaging for our gift store and a guide book on the exhibition.


Graduate from Massey University with Honours in Visual Communication Design.

Interests outside work: 
  • Cooking and Baking
  • Horror films
  • Interior design

Marketing assistant for the Great War Exhibition being installed at the former Dominion Museum in the National War Memorial Precinct.