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Ambassador Egbert

Hello everyone, tēnā koutou 

I am Egbert the LEARNZ ambassador. I go on all the trips with Andrew and help look after the other ambassadors from your school.  This is going to be an awesome field trip and I look forward to you joining us and learning lots about Memorial Park.



Monday 12 May

It didn’t seem to take very long at all to arrive in Wellington today. It’s amazing that you can travel almost 1,000 kilometres in only four hours.

We had a whole row of seats to ourselves for the flight from Auckland to Wellington. They were really comfortable too. We were given a Cookie Time cookie and a cup of tea to dunk it in – yum!



Tuesday 13 May

Kia ora koutou

Right that’s it; I have decided to be a crane operator when I grow up. I think these machines are just awesome. The ones on this construction site all have special names too. As you can see the one behind me in the photo is red. It is called Poppy. That is a pretty cool name because the crane is red (like a poppy) and the poppy is a symbol of war remembrance which relates well to Memorial Park. The crane I’m going to operate will be green like me and it’ll be called Monsta (my surname). It will be the biggest crane you can get!



Wednesday 14 May

Kia ora koutou

Today we saw a really cool hydraulic system that is being used to move a building called the Home of Compassion Crèche. Hydraulic machinery is very powerful and is the sort of thing that is used on digger arms and so on. The Crèche is actually going to slide along a type of rail system that has been set up before being lifted onto its new site. I thought that cranes would have been the machine of choice for such a job but there isn’t any room for them to get close enough.



Thursday 15 May

Kia ora koutou

It has been another successful field trip with a wonderful bunch of ambassadors. I had already been on a field trip with Murgatroyd and Buggles so it was great to spend time with them again. I have really enjoyed getting to know Mata-au and Kaitao too. I hope they are able to come away on a LEARNZ field trip again sometime.



Egbert has been all over New Zealand, even to the Kermadecs. Image: LEARNZ.

Monday. Egbert is about to rip into his cookie. Image: LEARNZ.

Tuesday. Egbert now wants to be a crane operator when he grows up. Image: LEARNZ.

Wednesday. Egbert by one of the haydraulic pulleys that will be used to move the Crèche. Image: LEARNZ.

Thursday. Egbert is amazed by all the different jobs there are on this construction project. Image: LEARNZ.