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The Memorial Park project is a chance to not only improve the way traffic flows through Wellington but also to provide New Zealanders with a space for significant days of remembrance.
The National War Memorial Park is being built for the 100th anniversary of the First World War that was fought from 1914 to 1918. All over the world, countries are making plans to remember what happened to their people in that war and the wars that followed.
Anzac Day is a day of remembrance for all New Zealanders who have been involved in war. It remembers the 30,000 New Zealanders who have died in these wars and the 300,000 who have served their country and survived to come home again.
Memorial services are times when we reflect on the impact wars have had on our lives. Huge crowds often come to the services at the National War Memorial and they will have more space to gather together once the park is created and the road is underground in a tunnel.
Memorial Park will also:
,When the National War Memorial was first built it was easier to access. Now that Wellington is larger, roads, traffic and other buildings have all impacted on this area. By undergrounding Buckle Street a larger Memorial Park can be created. Image: Public Domain.
,At the dedication of the Carillon in 1932 there was plenty of space for the 50,000 people who gathered. Now there is less space and a road divides the park from the Memorial. A new Memorial Park will provide plenty of space for people to gather. Image: Alexander Turnbull Library.
The new Memorial Park will provide green space, easy access, improve traffic flow and safety for pedestrians and cyclists. Image: NZTA.
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