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Videos are shot and edited overnight and are linked to from this page during the Smart Motorways 1 field trip from 25-27 August 2015.
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Video question sheet - Word (31k) | PDF (217k) to use for each video (based on SOLO Taxonomy).
1. A Smart Motorway for a Smart Capital - Watch on Vimeo.
Meet Wellington's Mayor Celia Wade-Brown who explains the many benefits of a smart motorway and how it fits into a vision of smart transport choices for Wellington people.
2. How to Plan a Smart Motorway - Watch on Vimeo.
Meet Project Planner Jo Draper who makes an interesting anology with a band practising at a house to explain the smart motorway project and also talks about the crucial role of various stakeholders.
3. Planning Work on the Smart Motorway - Watch on Vimeo.
Meet Steve Beddow, Project Manager for Wellington's smart motorway, who explains how he breaks down such a big project into chunks, what meetings he holds, what tools he uses (like Gantt Charts) and what reporting is done.
4. Managing Construction - Watch on Vimeo.
Steve Beddow, Project Manager, explains why most of the work on the smart motorway is done at night from 8pm - 5am, the importance of planning and what tools like signage are used to keep people informed of upcoming works that will affect traffic.
1. Signs of a Smart Motorway - Watch on Vimeo.
Bruce Walton explains how the variable message signs and lane control signs work and how they play a key role in the smart motorway system.
2. Constructing Gantries for Signs - Watch on Vimeo.
Find out more about gantries, how they are put in place, and what they are used for on the motorway.
3. Transforming Thorndon Overbridge - Watch on Vimeo.
Site engineer Jack Gillard describes the amazing engineering that went into repurposing an old off-ramp from the Thorndon overbridge to form part of the extra northbound lane that is being constructed.
4. Median Barriers on the Smart Motorway - Watch on Vimeo.
Project engineer Dan Edwards takes you to part of the motorway construction site where the old central median barrier is being replaced with a new concrete one.
1. Why Build a Smart Motorway - Watch on Vimeo.
Glen Prince discusses how this first smart motorway will influence future roading projects and how it will be judged as being ‘fit for purpose’.
2. Educating Drivers to be Smarter Drivers - Watch on Vimeo.
You are at the NZTA National Office talking with Rachel Prince about influencing driver behaviour through social marketing.
3. Smart Motorway Impacts - Watch on Vimeo.
Visit the Johnsonville Mall smart motorway information site with students from Raumati South School and discuss the important role that our ever-changing society plays in the development of roads.
4. Hub of the Smart Motorway - Watch on Vimeo.
Get special entry into the Wellington Transport Operations Centre, the hub of the smart motorway.
5. Field trip Summary - Watch on Vimeo.
Andrew gives you some discussion points about the ‘physical’ and ‘functional’ nature of the smart motorway, before reflecting on the field trip this week.