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Web Conferences

Web conferences with schools are hosted live from the field by the LEARNZ Teacher and are coordinated by the LEARNZ Office. More about web conferences.




To book as a speaking school, email andrew the LEARNZ Teacher andrew.penny@core-ed.org.

NB: Times are a guide only - feel free to request a time more suitable for your class timetable.

Web conference date Time Location; Where are you? Topic Experts Speaking Schools Recording
#1 Tuesday 26 June 9.15am Kaikōura The earthquake - Finding out the geology involved in this earthquake, as well as the damage and land movement it caused. Dr Kate Pedley Waipahihi School Replay at https://vimeo.com/276977580 (45 minutes - the password for accessing web conference recordings is in your teacher's MyLEARNZ).
#2 Wednesday 27 June 9.15am Kaikōura The roads - Exploring what it has taken to get damaged roads back up and running, and how people living along and around them have had to adapt. Manea Sweeney  North Street School Replay at https://vimeo.com/277188533 (31 minutes  - the password for accessing web conference recordings is in your teacher's MyLEARNZ).
#3 Thursday 28 June 9.15am Kaikōura The lessons - Dealing with the full impact of this earthquake, and how to cope with similar emergencies. Rachel Vaughan & Emma Duncan Bream Bay College Replay at https://vimeo.com/277369240 (45 minutes - the password for accessing web conference recordings is in your teacher's MyLEARNZ).

Questions for web conference #1 on Tuesday 26 June at 9:15am

Waipahihi School - Year 5/6

  1. How was the rocky seabed affected?
  2. Have the sea creatures changed their habitat?
  3. What things did you have to think about when clearing landslides? Was it dangerous?
  4. How would you describe what the earthquake felt like?
  5. Will people be able to predict when another earthquake will happen?
  6. Where is the safest place to be in an earthquake?
  7. How did people communicate after the earthquake?
  8. What kind of buildings were the strongest and least damaged?
  9. Was is hard to get food in and out of Kaikoura and why?
  10. Were the water and sewerage pipes damaged?

Questions for web conference #2 on Wednesday 27 June at 9:15am

North Street School - Year 6

  1. Are all the roads finished yet? Nicole
  2. Where were you in Kaikoura when the earthquake happened?
  3. How wide did the roads split, like in cm,mm? Bailee
  4. How many slips in the road were there? Emma
  5. What was the effect on the birds and animals?
  6. How long does it take to redo/rebuild a road?
  7. Why are people allowed to build in places that can be flooded or affected by earthquakes? Jay
  8. Do you fill in the cracks or make a new road?
  9. How do you move the boulders that fall on the road? Blow them up? Bulldoze them off?
  10. How long was the crack on the sea bed? Emma

Questions for web conference #3 on Thursday 28 June at 9:15am

Bream Bay College - Year 7

  1. What happened immediately after the earthquake?
  2. How were disabled, hospitalised and elderly looked after following the earthquake?
  3. How were animals cared for post quake?
  4. What was the process for the clean up and how was this overseen?
  5. How did people and the community respond after earthquake?
  6. What are the ongoing effects from this disaster? Financially, socially, and psychologically?
  7. How did this event change peoples attitudes towards being prepared for an emergency?
  8. Were there any suprises or unexpected outcomes following the earthquake?
  9. What was the biggest challenge of the earthquake recovery?
  10. What was the biggest success of the earthquake recovery?