fbpx Rail safety: walk-drive-ride safe around rail | LEARNZ

Rail safety: walk-drive-ride safe around rail

NZ locomotive. 

Rail Safety: walk-drive-ride safe around rail.

Supported by NTZA The New Zealand Transport Agency/Waka Kotahi.  

Our field trip was cut short because of the pandemic. But we have decided to carry on with the field trip by taking you back in time to Rail Safety Week 2019! Continue your experience with the Rail Safety Google Earth Tour and catch up on this and last year's videos. There are also two recorded web conferences from this week ready for you to access.


In some cities, catching a train to school or work is routine for many people. Freight trains are also common, which means we all come across level crossings where car drivers and the rest of us must stop and wait for a train to pass. Some students may have to cross a railway line every day as they walk or bike between school and home. So keeping safe around trains is important for everyone.

On this field trip during Rail Safety Week, look at the issues involving trains in New Zealand and find out why rail safety matters to us all. Meet people who are most involved with rail on a day-to-day basis and share your thoughts with them.


Introduction to Rail Safety from LEARNZ on Vimeo.


Travel to Auckland, the biggest city in Aotearoa. Auckland is well-known for the increasing number of cars on its roads, but its rail passenger and freight numbers are also on the rise. Connect with knowledgeable people about how rail features in our lives, along with big picture ideas like sustainability.

 Map of Auckland railway lines - click for interactive map.

Experience this trip on Google Earth >

Auckland rail on Google Earth

Field Trip Plan

    Tuesday 11 August

    Day 1: Keeping train passengers and the train network safe.  

    Wednesday 12 August

    Day 2: Safety on and around trains. *CANCELLED*

    Thursday 13 August

    Day 3: Visit a vintage train and explore changes in rail safety over time. *CANCELLED*

    nzta logo.