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Web Conferences

Web conferences with schools are hosted live from the field by the LEARNZ Teacher and are coordinated by the LEARNZ Office. More about web conferences.

To book as a speaking school, email andrew the LEARNZ Teacher andrew.penny@core-ed.org.

NB: Times are a guide only - feel free to request a time more suitable for your class timetable.

Web conference date Time Location Topic Experts Speaking schools Recording
#1 Tuesday 19 March 9:15am Central Plains Water Sheffield storage pond Water resources in New Zealand used for irrigation. Water management and sustainability. Fiona Crombie, Elizabeth Soal and John Suncknell Mt Hutt College Replay the 47-minute recording at https://vimeo.com/325079873 (the password is in your teacher's MyLEARNZ).
#2 Wednesday 20 March 9:15am Farm near Sheffield How irrigation systems work, and how technology is improving irrigation. Damon Summerfield Sancta Maria Primary School  Replay the 44-minute recording at https://vimeo.com/325309929 (the password is in your teacher's MyLEARNZ).
#3 Thursday 21 March 9:15am Farmlands - Rolleston Izone The economic and social benefits of irrigation.  Steve Breneger No speaking school - all schools welcome to listen and post questions in the chat area. Replay the 29-minute recording at https://vimeo.com/325526112 (the password is in your teacher's MyLEARNZ).

Questions for Web Conferences

Tuesday 20 March - Mt Hutt College, Year 8

  1. What are the reasons for our waterways being polluted and how is this being fixed? Ruben
  2. How big of a problem are poisonous algae and is it possible to get rid of them altogether? Jenn
  3. Is there a way to turn sea water into fresh water and make it usable for farming? Flynn
  4. What happens to all our waste water, do we reuse it? Layla
  5. How much do our actions impact the environment and how can we clean the water that has been impacted? Morgan
  6. How can we help keep our water clean? Genna
  7. What happens when the groundwater runs out? Toby
  8. Is plastic pollution a problem in our fresh waterways like it is in the ocean? Naite ("Night-ee")
  9. Has there always been water on Earth? If not, where did it come from? Genna
  10. Can NZ's waterways/environment sustain the irrigation that's needed to support our farming industry? Hugh

Wednesday 21 March - Sancta Maria Primary School, Year 5/6

  1. What does water have to do with our Turangawaewae? Kaya
  2. How is water made? Ricardo
  3. Why do some countries have more water than others? Mathias
  4. Why do we depend on water? Why do we need it?
  5. How does water become salty? Kendrew
  6. How long can we live without water? Alex
  7. How much water do farmers need to use? Chloe
  8. How can we locate groundwater? Hayley
  9. Can fossil water evaporate? Leonard
  10. How much of a problem is glyphosate in run-off water?

Thursday 22 March - various schools

  1. Could the storage ponds fill up with sediment from the Waimakariri River, especially after a flood? 
  2. When did irrigation start becoming popular? - Ryan
  3. How reliable is the electronics that control irrigators. Are there many maintenance issues?
  4. Does Canterbury farming produce anything, that relies on irrigation, that is grown nowhere else in NZ and is important to world food supply?
  5. Do you use filters in irrigation? Jasmine
  6. Has New Zealand used flood irrigation? Hannah
  7. Why is Canterbury more irrigated than anywhere else in NZ?
  8. Why do places like the Waikato not have much irrigation?
  9. Are there new careers in water that were not around 10 or 20 years ago?