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Te manaaki i kā kaitiaki o Tamatea.
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Kia ora! Celebrate connecting with our seas (Seaweek 2024) by embarking on an immersive journey into Tamatea Dusky Sound with us.
On this virtual field trip we will uncover unique ecosystems above and below the water, cultural heritage and conservation efforts. This experience provides educators and ākonga with a wealth of engaging resources, including videos, images and GIS maps to enhance your learning adventure.
Our goal is to inspire and educate ākonga across Aotearoa about the importance of preserving and restoring marine and land biodiversity in the unique Fiordland ecosystem. Through this virtual field trip, we aim to foster a deeper connection to te taiao, equipping ākonga to become active stewards of their local natural environment.
Key learning
- Understand the complexity of marine and forest ecosystems and their vulnerability.
- Explore the interconnectedness of forest and marine ecosystems.
- Promote biosecurity awareness and action.
- Embrace the importance of kaitiakitaka o te taiao and kaitiaki - environmental guardianship and guardians.
Student-led inquiry
Empower your ākonga to take charge of their learning journey. Encourage them to ask meaningful questions, explore resources, and embark on their own conservation projects.
Curriculum alignment
This virtual field trip aligns with the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum. It covers a range of learning areas, predominantly Science and Social Sciences. Access guidance to support teaching and learning with a suggested framework, reflective questions, and activity ideas to complement the virtual field trip and align with curriculum goals.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
This field trip aligns with both SDG 14: Life Below Water and SDG 15: Life on Land. It emphasises the significance of marine and terrestrial biodiversity, promoting awareness of conservation efforts in Tamatea Dusky Sound. By fostering understanding of the interconnectedness between land and marine ecosystems, it contributes to the broader global goals of preserving life below water and protecting life on land for sustainable development.
Goal 15: Life on land: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Goal 14: Life below water: To conserve and sustainably use the world's oceans, seas and marine resources.
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Join us in this educational adventure. Stay updated on our progress, news, and events related to the virtual field trip by following us on social media and signing up to this trip.
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