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How Love Rimurimu began
Jorge from Mountains to Sea Wellington shares an overview of the Mountains to Sea Wellington kaupapa and how the Love Rimurimu restoration project began.
- What is the main kaupapa of Mountains to Sea Wellington?
- How did Love Rimurimu come about?
Kaingākautia te rimurimu | Cherish the rimurimu
Andrew the LEARNZ kaiārahi introduces this video in which two ākonga from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Ngā Mokopuna share their learning journey and involvement in the Love Rimurimu restoration project.
- Who are the two guardians protecting Wellington Harbour?
- As part of their role in the Love Rimurimu project, what are the ākonga known as?
- What did the ākonga decide to do after taking part in the Love Rimurimu education programme?
Rimurimu whānau and features
At Moa Point in Wellington, two of the Kura Kelpers share some of the knowledge they have gained through being part of the Love Rimurimu project. There’s also a seaweed taste test involved!
- What are the three seaweed whānau?
- What are the four parts of the rimukakauroa (giant kelp) pointed out by Rakaipo?
- What are the environmental benefits of seaweed?
Collecting and processing kelp spores
At the ‘wet lab’ inside NIWA Taihoro Nukurangi, Joe from Love Rimurimu explains the process of collecting and processing kelp spores that will be used to grow a lot more of this seaweed as part of the Love Rimurimu restoration project.
- What is the name of the fertile material found in the kelp blades that Joe dives to collect?
- How are the kelp blades containing the fertile material different to other kelp blades?
- What is the main job of the red-light incubator?
Growing baby seaweeds
Joe from Love Rimurimu explains the next part of the kelp processing, which involves growing kelp in a nursery that recreates the natural elements it would encounter in the wild.
- The seaweed nursery is artificially recreating the natural elements seaweed needs to grow. What are those five elements?
- What are the two tools used to clean water at the seaweed nursery?
- What is done with the baby kelp before it is taken out of the nursery and put into the harbour?
Plant outs and community helpers
At a key plant-out site in front of the Worser Bay Boating Club, Community Science Coordinator for the Love Rimurimu Project, Hannah, shares an insight into the method and monitoring of the giant kelp once it has been grown in the lab and put into the water.
- How has the percentage rate of giant kelp survival changed since the first year of the restoration project?
- What were some of the problems the team faced with the planted out kelp during the first year?
- Describe how the team monitors the survival rate of kelp that is planted.
- What is the message that Hannah and the team want to get out to the community?
Tihei Rimurimu
At the top of Oruaiti Reserve, overlooking the Wellington Harbour entrance, Maia from Love Rimurimu shares some mātauranga Māori relating to rimurimu.
- What is the meaning of Te Whanganui-a-Tara?
- Why might the place ‘Rimurapa’ have been named as such?
- How has Maia been using the natural fibres as part of the Love Rimurimu project?