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Pakake NZ sea lions field trip videos

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Pakake return to the mainland

Pakake return to the mainland – transcript

Pakake the New Zealand sea lion was once found along the entire length of the Aotearoa New Zealand coast and subantarctic islands. Their numbers were greatly impacted by human predation. Until recently they have been reported on the Aotearoa mainland only as stragglers from the subantarctic islands. This video explores the return of pakake to mainland Aotearoa.

  • Until 'Mum' gave birth to a pup here at Taiari, about how many years had it been since pakake had bred on mainland Aotearoa?
  • Are there endangered species living near you? What does it mean to you to be living within the same environment as these species?

Monitoring pakake

Monitoring pakake – transcript

Monitoring pakake is an important job in helping this critically endangered species recover.

  • Female pakake go inland to have their pups. Why do they do this? What possible threats might this create?
  • What effect can the 'rough and tumble' nature of pups have on their identification?

Traditional Māori uses and values for pakake

Traditional Māori uses and values for pakake – transcript

Whānau connection, Mātauranga Māori and science knowledge provide a unique insight as to why pakake are so important.

  • How were pakake an important resource for southern Te Waipounamu tupuna?

Growing up with pakake

Growing up with pakake – transcript

Koreana has a passion for conservation. She grew up around pakake, has seen their numbers slowly increase and takes opportunities to help protect them. This video explores more about her about the work she is doing with and for pakake.

  • What impact do you think working directly with an endangered species would have on you?
  • Are there conservation projects near you that you could get involved in?

Sharing the moana with pakake

Sharing the moana with pakake – transcript

The awa and moana here in Karitane are Suzi and Georgia-Rae's playground. Waka ama, surfing and diving are some of their pastimes, yet they are mindful of the fact that these so-called playgrounds are in fact homes for species such as pakake.

  • What does this video make you think about when sharing the natural habitat of wildlife species?
  • Discuss interactions you have had with wildlife when you have been in their environment.

Working with pakake

Working with pakake – transcript

Despite a frightening encounter with a pakake as a youngster, Korako has taken opportunities to work up close with pakake. He has been involved in sea lion pup tagging both around the Otago coastline and on Rakiura Stewart Island.

  • Do any native species feature in a place name near you?
  • What does working with and helping pakake mean to Korako?

How to behave around pakake

How to behave around pakake – transcript

A lot of our own behaviour around pakake is about the need to show respect when we are entering their environment.

  • If a pakake does decide to engage with you, what is Mike's advice?
  • What is the recommended distance to keep from pakake on the beach?

Reclaiming mātauraka Māori of pakake

Reclaiming mātauraka Māori of pakake – transcript

Rauhina, Māori Archivist at Hocken Collections Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, talks about the work of James Herries Beattie and why having this mātauraka is so valuable.

  • How is the information from Herries Beattie beneficial for people today?
  • How is learning about a species such as pakake helpful?