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Curriculum integration for Central Interceptor

<- Homepage: Central Interceptor field trip. Also Resources and Glossary.

NZ Curriculum icon.

This online field trip supports a STEM-based, cross curricular approach to teaching and learning. Participation encourages curiosity, citizen-science and student inquiry.

New Zealand Curriculum (NZC)

Students will be encouraged to value:

  • innovation, inquiry, and curiosity, by thinking critically, creatively, and reflectively
  • diversity, as found in our different cultures, languages, and heritages
  • community and participation for the common good
  • ecological sustainability, which includes care for the environment.

Students will be challenged and supported to develop key competencies in the context of this field trip:  

  • Thinking
    Make sense of information, experiences and ideas in this field trip. Seek, use and create new knowledge.
  • Using language, symbols and texts
    Make meaning of a range of field trip content and other related information. Provide information and communicate ideas to others.
  • Managing self
    Individually or with others; establish goals, make and work to a plan, create and present ideas, and/or take action.  
  • Relating to others
    Connect with a range of stakeholders and experts. Recognise different points of view and collaborate with people.
  • Participating and contributing
    Explain, display and/or present to people beyond the classroom. Make connections with others to take action on a field trip related challenge/opportunity, with and for the local community.

NZC learning areas

This field trip supports, but is not limited to, learning in the following areas:

Social Science

  • Continuity and change
    Level 2: Understand how time and change affect people's lives.
    Level 4: Understand that events have causes and effects.

  • Place and environment
    Level 2: Understand how places influence people and people influence places.
    Level 3: Understand how people view and use places differently.
    Level 4: Understand how exploration and innovation create opportunities and challenges for people, places, and environments.
    Level 5: Understand how economic decisions impact on people, communities, and nations.
    Level 5: Understand how people's management of resources impacts on environmental and social sustainability.

  • Identity, culture, and organisation
    Level 2: Understand that people have social, cultural, and economic roles, rights, and responsibilities.
    Level 2: Understand how the status of Māori as tangata whenua is significant for communities in New Zealand.
    Level 4: Understand how formal and informal groups make decisions that impact on communities.
    Level 4: Understand how people participate individually and collectively in response to community challenges.



Technological Knowledge

  • Technological products
    Level 1-3: Understand the relationship between the materials used and their performance properties in technological products.

Technological Practice

  • Planning for practice
    Level 1-3: Undertake planning to identify the key stages and resources required to develop an outcome. Revisit planning to include reviews of progress and identify implications for subsequent decision making.
  • Brief development
    Level 1-3: Describe the nature of an intended outcome, explaining how it addresses the need or opportunity. Describe the key attributes that enable development and evaluation of an outcome.
  • Outcome development and evaluation
    Level 1-3: Investigate a context to develop ideas for potential outcomes. Trial and evaluate these against key attributes to select and develop an outcome to address the need or opportunity. Evaluate this outcome against the key attributes and how it addresses the need or opportunity.

Nature of Technology

  • Characteristics of technology
    Level 1-3: Understand how society and environments impact on and are influenced by technology in historical and contemporary contexts and that technological knowledge is validated by successful function.
  • Characteristics of technological outcomes
    Level 1-3: Understand that technological outcomes are recognisable as fit for purpose by the relationship between their physical and functional natures.

Science (level 1-3)

Nature of science

  • Participating and contributing
    Use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
    Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions. 

Living world

  • Ecology
    Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.

Planet Earth and beyond

  • Interacting systems
    Investigate the water cycle and its effect on climate, landforms, and life.

Material world

  • Chemistry and society
    Relate the observed, characteristic chemical and physical properties of a range of different materials to technological uses and natural processes.


The selected processes and strategies indicators used in the table below are from Level three of the NZC, but aim to cover indicators from levels two to four.

  • Listening, Reading and Viewing
    Selects and reads for enjoyment and personal fulfilment
    Recognises connections between oral, written, and visual language
    Integrates sources of information and prior knowledge confidently to make sense of increasingly varied and complex texts
    Thinks critically about texts with increasing understanding and confidence
  • Speaking, Writing and Presenting
    Uses an increasing understanding of the connections between oral, written, and visual language when creating texts
    Creates a range of texts by integrating sources of information and processing strategies with increasing confidence

Making use of digital technologies

This field trip utilises a range of digital technologies to connect students to a range of people and places that might otherwise be hard to access. This includes:

  • Web conferencing
  • 3D images
  • Virtual maps
  • Video and images
  • Online content and narrations
  • Social media

Consider how you can integrate digital technologies to remove barriers and enable further learning in this topic. Students can integrate digital technologies in innovative ways to design quality, fit-for-purpose digital solutions to field trip related challenges and opportunities.