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Connect with experts about transport options and sustainability

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Experts and web conferences

Web conferences

Hugh from Wellington City Council answered the following questions from students about Walking and wheeling - choosing a more active mode of transport:

  1. How would you define an active mode of transport? (Are ebikes? We use our hands and feet when we drive - why is that not an active mode of transport?). Are there other similar terms we might come across that have similar meanings?
  2. What examples do you have of places where active modes of transport are used a lot. Why do you think this is?
  3. What about where active modes aren't used much? Why?
  4. Do you use active transport yourself? What sorts, when and why?
  5. What are the benefits of choosing more active modes of transport?
  6. What are some of the things we need to be aware of to make active transport modes successful/safe?
  7. Are active modes of transport increasing? Why/why not?
  8. How have active modes of transport evolved over time? How do you see them changing in the future?
  9. What are some things we can do today that could increase our own use of/improve our enjoyment of active transport?

CORE Education · LEARNZ Getting around: your options for a sustainable future podcast 1 of 3

Aileen from Hutt City Council answered the following questions from students about Our changing streets - What our streets will look like in the future and how we might play a part in shaping how they look:

  1. Can you give an example of your favourite street? Why is it your favourite?
  2. And your least favourite street. Why is it?
  3. Can our streets be better places? How?
  4. If you were to make some changes to a street or public place, how is it decided what those changes would be?
  5. What might an ideal street or public space look like?
  6. How can people get involved in making decisions about street or public space redesign?

CORE Education · LEARNZ Getting around: your options for a sustainable future podcast 2 of 3

Jeremy from Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency answered the following questions from students about Transport: behaviour and choice. How is transport changing and what will this mean for how we choose to get around in the future:

  1. We all travel and there are many ways to travel. There are reasons for travelling and there are decisions to make about how we will travel. What do you see as being the key motivations behind people's transport choices and behaviour?
  2. In the future, what might influence our travel choices and behaviour?
  3. Does transport need to change? Why?
  4. What changes can you see happening now in transport and how people get around?
  5. What about in the next 5-10 years? What about in 50 years?
  6. What role does government play in transport choices?

CORE Education · LEARNZ Getting around: your options for a sustainable future podcast 3 of 3

Meet the experts

Meet Aileen, Road Safety Coordinator at Hutt City Council

Meet Lauren from Metlink in Wellington

Meet Nick, co-founder of Flamingo Scooters

Meet Dan, owner of Bicycle Junction