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Backyard bioblitz

Biodiversity is not something that only exists in pockets around Aotearoa. Your own backyard can be home to a surprising variety of plants and animals. A little bit of searching will reveal the beauty of plants, animals and landscapes. Take a closer look and see what you can find!


In 2019 we explored Ō Tū Wharekai, a unique high-country wetland area. In the video below, Biodiversity Ranger Brad shows four different methods for catching invertebrates living in our own backyards.

Ponder this

Consider the following questions. You could talk about your ideas with your favourite people at home or online.

  1. What is biodiversity and why is it important?
  2. What can you do to make sure you stay safe when searching for biodiversity in your own backyard?
  3. How would you treat an invertebrate once you find one?
  4. Invertebrates live in a range of habitats. As well as grassy areas and streams, what other habitats might you find invertebrates living in?


Critter catching creation

What creative ways can you come up with to capture biodiversity in your backyard? You could research different methods online. Try repurposing bits and pieces lying in and around your home and come up with your own creation. Then put it to the test!


Online tools such as iNaturalistNZ can help you to identify species during your BioBlitz. Take photos of your discoveries and upload them to iNaturalistNZ for scientific identification.

Ask a parent to post a picture of your backyard critter or critter catching creation on Instagram. Use the hashtags #learnztrips, #backyardbioblitz. You can also email your ideas and images to us at LEARNZtrips. Tell us about your creations and discoveries if you want to.

We’ll share some of your photos on our Instagram space @learnztrips.

Want to know more?

Journey to Ō Tū Wharekai, in the heart of the Southern Alps, and investigate biodiversity around this stunning landscape. Meet Biodiversity Rangers who will show you how to find, identify and record living things so you can discover what's living in your own backyard.