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Meet Peter Lo

Job description: 

Research into controlling insect pests on orchards.

Work background: 

Studied zoology and entomology at university. Have worked on pests of kiwifruit, citrus, apples, summerfruit and grapes.

Favourite part of job: 

Helping orchardists grow crops free of insects for people to enjoy.

Least favourite part of job: 

Red tape.

What I am working on now: 

Developing better lures for moth pests.

A quick story about a job well done: 

We have turned the moth communication system (sex pheromones) against the pests. Male and female moths find each other in apple orchards by following an odour trail. Instead we now flood the trees with their own scent so they cannot find each other.

A (humorous) story about a job that went badly and what you learned: 

The job was to release sterile moths in apple orchards. I learnt that riding a bicycle one handed while sprinkling moths out of a container with the other hand, while dodging branches, tractor wheel ruts and thinned small apples (think loose ball bearings) was not a smart idea.


PhD Entomology.

Interests outside work: 

Hiking, photography, badminton, Liverpool football club and travel.

Peter Lo is a scientist working at Plant and Food Research. Image: Supplied.