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Meet Ian Mitchell


Relationship Manager, Kauri Dieback Programme, Senior Biosecurity Advisor, Ministry for Primary Industries. Iwi: Ngapuhi, Hapu: Te Uri Taniwha

Job description: 

To ensure all members of Kauri Dieback Programme are working cooperatively to ensure kauri are most effectively protected. Assist and empower community groups and tangata whenua to engage with public to spread the message about kauri dieback and the need for good hygiene.

Work background: 

Started in Horticulture industry in my youth, had a great interest in conservation and environmental issues. Have worked in this role for last 7 years.

Favourite part of job: 

Meeting with people to hear stories about their kauri and empowering groups to protect kauri locally

Least favourite part of job: 


What I am working on now: 

Virtual Field Trip, contracting community groups to engage with the public.

A quick story about a job well done: 

Empowering Coromandel Kauri Forum to protect kauri in Coromandel. Helped fund track ambassadors in Coromandel, using visitor surveys to help change people’s behaviour, ensuring they clean shoes moving in or out of the kauri forest there.


Bachelor Horticultural Science, First Class Honours, Masters Business Administration

Interests outside work: 

Planting up waterways with native plants, assisting my family to protect our heritage sites in the Bay of Islands and Hokianga.

Ian Mitchell will be a key expert for day 1 of the field trip. Image: LEARNZ.