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PO Box 13 678,
Christchurch 8141,
New Zealand
1. Preparing For and Responding to Tsunami
Head north of Christchurch City to Kairaki Beach, near Kaiapoi. Here the Waimakariri River flows out to sea - a good place to have a chat about tsunami. What generates a tsunami and what dangers do they pose? What do you do and where do you go if there is a tsunami warning?
2. Flooding
Take a stroll a bit further up the Waimakariri River to hear more about New Zealand’s most common natural hazard – floods. Why are New Zealand towns so prone to flooding? How is the danger of flooding managed and what is the best way to keep safe should you experience being involved in a flooding event?
3. Managing Earthquake Impacts
Redcliffs, an area to the east of Christchurch City, is a place that has been affected by landslides caused by the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. In this video you visit what used to be the site of Redcliffs School. The school is still there, but the staff and students have had to be relocated.
4. Wild Fire
Earlier in 2017, Christchurch’s Port Hills were ablaze. Homes were destroyed and the new Adventure Park was obliterated. Wild fire in New Zealand is not as common as some parts of the world, but events in Christchurch have proven that they are a very real threat. Find out more about the risk of fire and what you can do to keep safe from them.
1. Get Prepared with Governors Bay School
You’ve travelled over the Port Hills to Governors Bay - Ōhinetahi. In this video, Governors Bay School principal Judy Cooke talks about how the school’s emergency management procedure is shared within the community. The school uses an online tool that can be accessed at any time by families. I wonder if you know what the emergency procedures are at your school.
2. What's Your Plan?
Meet some of the Governors Bay students as Chris Duggan from Christchurch City Council takes them through some of the What’s the Plan, Stan? emergency preparedness lessons. Hear from students as they work through some of the tasks. Have you seen the What’s the Plan, Stan? learning resource yet?
3. Create an Emergency Kit
Chris Duggan empties the contents of his kid-friendly ‘go bag’, as well as his emergency supply kit. I wonder if you have an emergency supply kit at your place. What items do you think Chris has in his?
4. Students Share their Stories
Sit down with some Governors Bay students to hear about their recent experiences from the Port Hills fire. Some students had to be evacuated from their homes, others had relatives fighting the fire. There were scary moments, but also moments where the community came together to help one another. I wonder how you might have reacted in a similar situation.
1. The Red Cross Hazard App
Red Cross have developed the Hazards app to keep you easily informed about hazards in locations chosen by you. Meet Marcus Bird and find out how technology is advancing how we can respond in an emergency. I wonder how technology will develop in this area in the future.
2. First Aid in an App
Red Cross has also created a first aid app. When watching the video, you might like to think about how an app compares with learning and remembering first aid. I wonder what you think the advantages and disadvantages are of these two methods of first aid.
3. The Role of a Volunteer
Have you ever volunteered your time to help others in need? In this video, Kaharoa Manihera talks about the work he does as an emergency response volunteer. It takes dedication and time to volunteer in this way – I wonder if you think being an emergency volunteer is something you could see yourself doing in the future.
4. Inside an Emergency Operations Centre
Community Resilience Coordinator, Emma Hunt, explains the purpose and function of an emergency operations centre – EOC. You might like to also check out last year’s What’s the Plan, Stan? video about the Emergency Coordination Centre in Henderson, Auckland.
For help and more information about LEARNZ videos, go to Help with Videos in the LEARNZ Support section.
Video question sheet - Word (31k) | PDF (217k) | Google Doc to use for each video (based on SOLO Taxonomy).