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Tūranganui-a-Kiwa/Poverty Bay Seabed Survey.

Discovering the secrets of our seabed.

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Background reading, images, narrations, quizzes and a glossary.

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Insights into people and their careers, and replay the Q&A podcast.

Field trip videos about seabed mapping

Explore the field trip videos >
Videos and more showcasing places, people, ideas and initiatives on this field trip.

Take the Google Earth for Web tour
A virtual tour of the field trip with GIS mapping, 3D locations, 360 panorama images, daily diaries and video.

Kia ora! Embark on a virtual adventure alongside a hydrographic surveying team aboard Tupaia, a purpose-built survey vessel, to map the seabed off Tairāwhiti. This virtual field trip will immerse ākonga in the world of geospatial science and data technology.

Seabed surveys also allow us to build detailed 3D maps of the seafloor, providing valuable information about the marine environment. Communities, businesses, local councils and central government agencies can use this data for flood modelling, environmental management, marine research, and much more.


To highlight the importance of geospatial data and technology in seabed mapping and the pivotal role this data plays for marine navigation and diverse stakeholders, including iwi for customary rights and the Department of Conservation for environmental restoration.

Key learning

  • Gain insight into the world of hydrographic surveying and its real-world applications.
  • Explore advanced technology used in mapping the seabed and its broader applications.
  • Engage in hands-on learning by utilising GIS software and analysing real-world data.
  • Develop a greater appreciation for the natural environment and the importance of data-driven decision-making.

Student-led inquiry

Empower your ākonga to take charge of their learning journey. Encourage them to ask meaningful questions, explore resources, and embark on their own conservation or geospatial projects.

Curriculum alignment

This virtual field trip aligns with the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum. It covers a range of learning areas, predominantly science, technology and social sciences. Access guidance to support teaching and learning with a suggested framework, reflective questions, and activity ideas to complement the virtual field trip and align with curriculum goals.

Educator guide

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

This field trip aligns with SDG 14: Life Below Water. The emphasis on seabed mapping and its contribution to marine navigation and environmental management aligns closely with SDG 14's goal of conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. It also reflects SDG 4: Quality Education. Highlighting geospatial science and technology supports the goal of providing a quality education and fostering experiential learning for students.

UN SDG Goal 14

Goal 14: Life below water: To conserve and sustainably use the world's oceans, seas and marine resources.


UN SDG Goal 4

Goal 4: Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.


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Ministry of Education