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Kiwi videos

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Searching for a kiwi nest

Take a ride on the wild side in an LUV (light utility vehicle) and trek through Tongariro Forest in search of kiwi eggs. Find out what DOC rangers use to pinpoint the exact location of the nest.

Habitat for kiwi

Ruud Kleinpaste talks about what makes Tongariro Forest an ideal habitat for kiwi. I wonder if you have similar habitat or otherwise near you that may be suitable for kiwi.

Lifting an egg from a kiwi burrow

You have found the kiwi burrow that we were looking for in Tongaririo Forest. Now it is Jenny’s job to try and access the burrow so she can lift the egg successfully. What would Jenny need to be careful of?

From forest to incubator

With the eggs safely in possession, you are now on your way to Rotorua to safely deliver them to the team at Rainbow Springs Kiwi Encounter. Emma Bean explains the process they go through when wild eggs are brought into the facility.

Incubating and Hatching Kiwi Eggs

Kiwi Husbandry Manager Emma Bean explains what happens with kiwi eggs in the incubation room, and how technology can be used to imitate the natural conditions inside a kiwi burrow. I wonder what temperature the incubator needs to be.

Kiwi Chick Brooding

It is only the beginning of the kiwi breeding season, so no kiwi chicks have hatched at Rainbow Springs Kiwi Encounter. Kiwi Husbandry Manager Emma Bean still gives an interesting overview of what goes on in the brooder room. The ambassadors sure think it’s a cosy abode for newly hatched kiwi chicks! I wonder what the kiwi chicks are fed here.

Welcome to Wairakei Kiwi Creche

Meet Renee Potae and see where young brown kiwi live before being taken back to Tongariro Forest. You might be surprised to find where this kiwi creche actually is, as well as what special features it has to keep predators out.

Kiwi kai

Ruud Kleinpaste lives up to his name as ‘The Bugman’, and shows you why this creche is like a smorgasbord for kiwi. Find out what invertebrates he manages to rustle up.

Meet a kiwi

Join Andrew the LEARNZ Teacher, Ruud Kleinpaste, and the Whakapapa DOC team at Wairakei Golf Sanctuary as they go in search of a kiwi. I wonder how this pursuit will be different to tracking down a kiwi egg.

Health checks for kiwi

With the kiwi safely in hand, it is time to give it a health check and change its transmitter. These are important tasks as you don’t want to be returning a young kiwi back into the wild if it isn’t healthy, nor do you want a transmitter running out of battery! I wonder of the kiwi has reached a kilo in weight, making it heavy enough to fight off stoats.

Karakia for kiwi

Matt Howell from DOC Whakapapa shares the importance and value of karakia before returning kiwi back to their original rohe.

From lifted egg to free adult kiwi

With a healthy tick of approval and a weight at just over a kilo, the young kiwi is ready to head back into the wild. Jenny Hayward talks through the procedure for this, and discusses how satisfying it is to be a part of the Operation Nest Egg cycle.

The future of kiwi conservation

Andrew the LEARNZ Teacher chats with Ruud Kleinpaste about his thoughts on the future of kiwi conservation. It will be interesting to see how his predictions play out over the course of the next few years.

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