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Kiwi features

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Kiwi physical features are much like a mammal.

External features

The external features of a kiwi are what you can see from the outside.

Kiwi drawing with features labelled - Image: LEARNZ.

  • tiny wings (kiwi are flightless)
  • no tail
  • feathers very soft and hang loose, like hair
  • very long bill with nostrils at the end
  • legs are strong and muscular
  • fleshy footpads and a silent walk


Kiwi bill - Image: LEARNZ.

Kiwi have good senses for living in their environment.

  • strong sense of smell
  • excellent hearing
  • cat-like whiskers on its face and around the base of its bill
  • small eyes help it to see at night and in daylight too

Internal Features

The internal features are on the inside of a kiwi.

Kiwi x-ray showing egg - Image: DOC.

  • cone-shape skeleton, with a strong neck and a small head
  • no keeled sternum to hold the flight muscles
  • bones filled with marrow. Being flightless, bones do not have to be extra light
  • large nasal cavities, for a greater sense of smell
  • blood temperature is much lower than most other birds; between 37°C and 38°C

Try the kiwi features quiz.

While the kiwi’s eyesight isn’t great, the parts of its brain devoted to smell and touch are large.

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