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Help kiwi

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There are many ways you can help to save the kiwi.


Being a volunteer is very helpful. You could join a Department of Conservation kiwi project. There might even be a community-led project happening right now on your town.

Working to save kiwi is rewarding and fun. But it also costs money.

Some fundraising ideas are:

  • school mufti days
  • having a kiwi-themed art competition and selling the pictures
  • having a quiz evening
  • having a sponsored sporting event.

Contact DOC to find out how to help kiwi near you. Image: LEARNZ.
Contact DOC to find out how to help kiwi near you.


Family pets can kill kiwi. These are some things you can do to prevent that.


  1. Take your dog to kiwi avoidance training.
  2. When you are not with your dog keep it inside or in a run or kennel.
  3. Make sure your dog cannot escape from your property.
  4. Keep your dog on a lead when you are walking it.
  5. Exercise your dog in the right places.
  6. Never let your dog roam at night.
  7. If hunting where wild kiwi live, put tracking collars on your dogs and take all dogs home at the end of the hunt.
  8. If you lose your dog, or see a roaming dog, tell the Department of Conservation.
  9. Never abandon unwanted dogs. Give them to the SPCA or ask a vet to put them down humanely.


  1. if you live near wild kiwi, give your cat to someone who doesn’t.
  2. Keep your cat inside at night.
  3. Put a bell collar on your cat.
  4. Make sure your cat is well fed and has moving toys to play with.
  5. Have your cat fixed so it can’t have unwanted kittens.
  6. When your cat dies, don’t replace it.

More information

For more information on taking action visit Save the kiwi - how to help.

Dogs are the biggest threat for adult kiwi – no matter what breed or size, or how well trained.

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