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Kea curriculum

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Key concepts

Adaptations, adaptations of birds, birds, conservation, ecotourism, environment, food webs, gadgets, habitat, hatching, human impacts, kea, life cycle, mountain habitat, native birds, native species, population, scientific research, sustainability, taonga, technological innovation, threatened species.


Nature of science

Communicating in Science

  • Levels 1-2: Build their language and develop their understandings of the many ways the natural world can be represented.
  • Level 3-4: Begin to use a range of scientific symbols, conventions, and vocabulary.
  • Engage with a range of science texts and begin to question the purposes for which these texts are constructed.

Participating and Contributing

  • Levels 1-2: Explore and act on issues and questions that link their science learning to their daily living.
  • Level 3-4: Use their growing science knowledge when considering issues of concern to them.
  • Explore various aspects of an issue and make decisions about possible actions.

Living world

Life Processes

  • Levels 1-2: Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive.
  • Level 3-4: Recognise that there are life processes common to all living things and that these occur in different ways.


  • Levels 1-2: Recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat.
  • Level 3-4: Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.

Social sciences

Place and environment

  • Level 1: Understand how places in New Zealand are significant for individuals and groups.
  • Level 2: Understand how places influence people and people influence places.
  • Level 3: Understand how people view and use places differently.
  • Level 4: Understand how exploration and innovation create opportunities and challenges for people, places, and environments.