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I thought LEARNZ did a great job of mixing up content that covered multiple curriculum areas in a logical and accessible way. Most of the time my Year 8-9 class were engaged and absorbed by what was happening.  Well done.

Adrian Humm from Ruawai College

I really enjoy the learnz trips. My class loved learning about preservation and discovery in Antarctica. It delved into the deeper questions. 

Gina Matheson from Marshall Laing School

The field trip supported the development of Key Competencies, and provided up-to-date information relevant to Education for Sustainability.

Ruth Guy from Lincoln High School

The field trip was very effective, especially from the view point of engagement and motivation as the students felt it was relevant and real.

Jeremy Shroff from Glendowie School

Having all of the Antarctica resources together makes it very easy for students to self-explore the parts of the topic they are especially interested in. The real benefit for us has been having all of the audio with the readings for my lower readers; they prefer to listen and the NZ accent of the reader is a bonus.

Lisa O'Connor from St Teresa's School Featherston

Provided real meaning and connections to topical subjects like global warming. There was a high level of interest about Antarctica from the students.

John Brunton from Marshall Laing School

Great resource with a variety of media. Very comprehensive, providing students with another layer of learning material connected to real world around them.

Roland Gorlich from Arahoe School

We used the Inquiry method to study Antarctica and we loved it! Shelley's videos created lots for discussion. Brilliant!

Allison Cotter from Newtown School

Real life engagement with scientists on ice was interesting - great for students to see what we had been studying in real life.

Vanessa Carnevale from Waiheke High School

I run the GATE programme and we do Future Problem Solving so the ecological sustainability was particularly relevant. A great teaching tool which is motivating for students.

Maree Flashman from St Mary's School Ellerslie

The context of this Antarctica learning trip was helpful to discuss the ESS topic (L5): Earth systems. Students learnt lots of new things about Antarctica and sea ice formation, with some good extra teaching material and activities to extend students.

Nataliia Kravchenko from Te Awamutu College

This LEARNZ Antarctica field trip has given me the confidence to continue to integrate digital technology into my programmes. My class were very engaged in their learning and it was well integrated through Literacy, Science and Mathematics.

Leasa Craw from Morrinsville School

The audio conversations were brilliantly done along with the accompanying videos, plus questions being typed and answered while online. I have been intrigued and surprised by how much my young students have taken on board during the trip.

Lesley Johnston from Firth School

It was a great way to learn about people places and animals without actually being there.

Jennifer Barrow from Karoro School

Very effective, especially the videos. Fantastic with much of the planning done for the time-poor teacher. This field trip is fully supportive of Principles, Key values and Competencies as well as learning areas of our curriculum, thanks.

Maureen Robertson from Verran Primary School

We loved the field trip! Thanks so much for all that you do. It is such an engaging way to connect with various areas of the curriculum.

Sarah Trethewey from Katikati Primary School

The whole field trip has added a sense of authenticity to student learning. This really is a wonderful way to give us invaluable learning experiences - students have been so engaged and have been thinking of their own experiments to test some of the things that they have learnt.

Shannon Mainey from Waiau Pa School

Students said it was great because it simulated going to Antartica and it was awesome seeing (our ambassador) BuzzBee there. It was easy to set up my programme using Google classroom so students and their families could see what was happening whenever they wanted.

Cheryl Dunick from Spring Creek School

This is an effective and engaging part of my literacy programme. My Pasifika students, in particular, are much more engaged with a Learnz field trip than other academic activities. Especially relevant in meeting the vision of the NZ Curriculum.

John Brunton from Marshall Laing School

Engages the students. Interesting material which covers a breadth of issues and topic areas. Students gained an understanding of the Antarctic food web.

Michael Reed from Loburn School

It definitely ticked the boxes. A great topic. We enjoyed all that was on offer.

Lorena McStay from Templeton School

This is a rich experience for students who know NZ but are often living offshore.

Robina Smythe from Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

The LEARNZ personnel and experts feel like real friends or students' own personal teacher, which helps to make the learning experiences very potent. They field trips like Antarctica are great and I just love the work you all do to make them interesting and engaging. Thank you.

Lesley Johnston from Firth School

The idea of virtually going to Antarctic created such a buzz and a HUGE level of engagement. It's great the way LEARNZ leaders connect with students - they present everything in such an accessible way but have high expectations that students can and will be able to understand fairly sophisticated concepts. 

Christine Hailes from North Street School

The students were highly motivated throughout this field trip. A fantastic resource that can be used easily within any classroom setting to support classroom programmes around skills and attitudes we are fostering with our children.

Kiri Waghorn from Cornwall Park District School
