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We are a sole charge school of 12 students and I was able to adapt the content to suit all levels within my class. This was our first live field trip and the students really enjoyed it and got a lot from it. There were lots of comments over the week about how 'cool' and 'fun' it was.

Nicola Evans from Papanui Junction School

We are looking at change and our ways to survive. It (the field trip) gave more specialist knowledge to students, that the teacher could not give.

Nicola Pitcher from Glen Eden Intermediate School

The levelled information was great. It also was at an apt time as far as reinforcing evacuation and preparedness as a class/school/whanau. I liked the availability of the videos and audio conferences to review and use, even though the fieldtrip had ended.

Joelle Walker from Edgecumbe School

We had been involved in the Geohazards VFT so the children were well briefed and ready to take part in ShakeOut. The class really looks forward to taking part in the LEARNZ trips.

Graham Elsmore from Christian Renewal School

Was topical and at appropriate level for my student. Encouraged good discussion and gave excellent information. Student said "That was great. Can we do another one?"

Lorelei Salisbury from Salisbury Home School

Reinforced other learning on natural disasters, emergency procedures and being prepared. 

Dylan Kiriona from Ohau School

The visual content helped quite a lot of discussion. So many real life experiences that the children can piggy back onto. The Field Trip was an asset for all the class. Thank you.

Deborah Lamont from Methven School

LEARNZ is doing a brilliant job and this is a fantastic resource for all teachers and students. Excellent contextual learning, and made really good links to the NZC. I loved how there was appropriate Māori and Pasifika language included to support our learners, while the inclusion of both easy and more difficult support materials allows for differentiation.

Kirsten Jamieson-Gough from Remarkables Primary School

It broadened students' thinking and understanding of the large scale of the event and excited them about the topic. The ability to access information, colleagues and a world which we otherwise wouldn't have access to makes the learning process really meaningful.

Lucy Hannah from Christ the King Catholic School Owairaka

The children saw themselves being part of a wider community, participating with other schools and learning from their questions. It was especially useful to have Te Reo words to complement the learning.

Anna Cullen from Clifton School Bulls

All my students could relate to the information according to individual ability and interest levels. LEARNZ opens up a whole new dimension of making outdoor teaching a reality.

Martie Andrew from Awakeri School

This field trip was a short mini-unit to prepare students for the national shake out drill and was in addition to our School Curriculum plan.

Alice Keeling from Springston School

This was my first time on LEARNZ and I loved it. Apart from the well-prepared unit as such, the level of motivation for the kids was instant, high and continued through-out the whole series of lessons.

Sabine Hartmann from Karangahake School

Relevant to topic at school and it was all current. Great tool.

Marne Hendriks from Rosebank School Balclutha

It supported the Shakeout event we were participating in. It also supported the curriculum well. Visuals are excellent and information is current. The videos led to good discussions and recall of prior knowledge.

Helen Gibson from Hilltop School

 Enjoyable to hear first hand accounts - made it more real for the children.

Robyn Wee from Wakaaranga School


We are currently studying adaptations and how animals/birds suit their habitat so the Kea was a great case study. I find the newsletters great - very detailed and a great prompt in the lead-up to field trips.

Brenda Town from Town Family Home School

The whole class decided that having access to the experts was invaluable (via the audioconferences), and we wouldn't have that access otherwise. Great way of engaging the children and having them learn about our natural environment. Hugely motivating for the children, able to be integrated into all aspects of the curriculum.

Joanne Mortimer from Weston School

Genuine interest was shown by students and a high level of engagement. This field trip fully supported NZC in so many ways - probably much easier to list the ways it did not support the curriculum.

Graham Elsmore from Christian Renewal School

We have a strong interest in native birds at our school and this field trip fits in with the value "ecological sustainability" and the "future focus" principle. I've used it as a science context but also as a high-interest and friendly reading and viewing resource.

Jane Pearson from Hira School

The students were excited to actually be a part of the field trip at Arthur's Pass. Parents were very impressed with the kids (on the video). Students were motivated to go to the website in school time and in their own time. It was a good example of how sharing learning in a real context is powerful for students.

Lee Martin from Karoro School

Other than learning about our environment, we also used it in our creative writing unit.

Jason Shaw from Geraldine High School

Students thoroughly enjoyed reading and learning about the Kea. Information was appropriate for their age.

Susan Dane from Elm Park School

Term one we studied ' Birds of NZ' - this field trip gave us the chance to revisit knowledge and add to it. Students felt actively involved. It also links well to the values, key competencies, learning areas, and principles of NZC

Helen Gibson from Hilltop School

This trip was most effective in supporting the theme of 'Kaitiakitanga' for my Year 4 class. The programme supports modern learning approaches very well and combined fabulously with SOLO. The children all loved it and it has really inspired them to want to learn - they were keen to get on the computers each morning to catch up with the latest happenings.

Pamela McDowell from Westbrook School
