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Ahuahu Great Mercury Island

Our ākonga learned heaps about archaeology and sustainablility. All of the Key Competencies were used when engaging with this mahi. We appreciated how Māori culture was woven through as well.

Rachel Babinski from Auckland Point School

Our unit had a strong Maori Achievement focus - we really appreciate the links that the field trip allowed us to make to early Maori, and the cultural DNA of being explorers and innovators. This allowed us to link to the learning competencies and vision of the NZC.

Gwyneth Cooper from Bream Bay College

More than just a virtual trip for us; as we live in Whitianga it is very relevant for our tamariki on so many levels and the TUIA commemoration adds to that. The nature of LEARNZ means you can utilise the resources how you see fit, and it is easy to adapt to be appropriate no matter the level of your students.

Jean Waretini-Paul from Mercury Bay Area School

Marine Reserves

We used this for writing, enviro links and Sea Week connections. It helped engage the students and they loved having an ambassador to follow.

Jayne Alexander from Waiheke Primary School

A great resource for NZ teachers and students. As always, this Marine Reserves virtual field trip infused all the Key Competencies and the Vision of the NZ Curriculum.

Natasha Greatorex from Whakamarama School

The learning was well suited to the needs of my Year 7 & 8 class. My Maori and Pasifika students valued being able to integrate their own prior knowledge of sea life into this field trip inquiry.

Gabriel Hawke from St Mary's School (Hastings)

Students were curious about Marine Reserves and I used this opportunity to introduce this topic for those interested in learning about sustainability. The 2 case studies were useful for ākonga to learn about being a citizen scientist in our own local  area. In the next 6 weeks we will have further study and 2 field trips of our own.

Vanessa Burrell from Haeata Community Campus

The videos are a great way to ensure all learners gain from the lessons. The chance to identify with a person and watch what they are doing (in their work) really connects with the students.

Frank Usherwood from Bethlehem School

As we live in a coastal area, the Marine Reserves Field trip was perfect.  Very relevant. The field trips are great to motivate lower level learners, as well as keeping high fliers engaged.

Marcia Karaitiana from Ascot Community School

Taking part in this field trip has empowered my students and motivated them to give back to their own community by raising money for EMR at Goat Island. It has also helped me to be more flexible in my teaching.

Suzanne Scourfield from Whangarei Girls' High School

Sometimes we cannot offer our own EOTC experiences so LEARNZ Virtual Field Trips are a great way to show the students, instead of just reading about it or hearing it from the teachers. Students find it motivating and enjoyable. The videos are specific and not just general videos that may be found online. Andrew talks to the students through the camera and makes them feel a part of the trip. 

Dylan Kiriona from Poroutawhao School

We cannot easily get out on actual fieldtrips so this is an especially good alternative. Integrated well with our Sustainability course.

Morag Padfield from Auckland Girls' Grammar School

Unpacking the apple story

My science students used this apple story to make great connections, which generated a lot of discussion and further research. LEARNZ is a fantastic resource and teaching tool enjoyed by many of my students.

Seuga Frost from Otaki College

This Apples field trip was highly inclusive and supported students with different learning styles and learning challenges - great to have reading support on the site. High engagement, helps develop intrinsic motivation in my students as well as inspiring them.

Louise Trousdale from Pukeoware School

We have been learning about sustainability in horticulture, so this was perfect for our class learning and could not have been timed better. The field trip allowed our class to experience the entire industry from a safe environment. It encouraged self-management and enabled us all to rewind our learning.

Petra Cawood from Te Mata School Havelock North

Great to have a primary industry field trip - this provided a great range of videos as starters about the apple production process for Level 3.

Kerry Allen from St Paul's Collegiate Hamilton

This field trip could not have been timed better, and it allowed our class to experience the entire Apple industry from a safe environment. Invaluable! Perfect for learning about sustainability in horticulture and all the different processes from growing an apple all the way through to marketing.

Petra Cawood from Te Mata School (Havelock North)

Great to have a primary industry field trip and a set of videos that can be used as the basics for Level 3 Apple Production for Year 13 AgHort. Would love more on other primary industry production processes in NZ.

Kerry Allen from St Paul's Collegiate (Hamilton)

This "Apples" field trip was very appropriate for my year 7 class. It highlighted at the beginning how little my students know about primary industries but it sparked their interest and lots of wonderings and questions, which has now led students off into their own inquiries. The field trip provided great support for literacy.

Janine Fryer from Pukekohe Intermediate

As a school our Inquiry was Biosecurity. This was a fantastic resource for the class. The content of the field trip made it accessible for all members of the class; they were all able to experience it.

Kristina Sheppard from Ashburton Intermediate

It was really effective. I had some brilliant writing, especially from my Maori and Pasifika students as they knew so much about the topic. Good for reading and maths and also relevant for Science Fair and for our Enviro groups.

Patsy Pickup from Pukekohe Intermediate

Matariki and Navigation

We were able to relate this field trip to our learning around literacy, science, social science & the arts. The setup of the material encouraged students to work both collaboratively & independently.

Louise Wilson from Mt Pleasant School

The field trip was a wonderful addition to our Matariki inquiry. The learning crossed several curriculum areas and students really enjoyed using different technologies to support their interests.

Tessa Hansen from Riwaka School

Our focus this term was "Exploration" and this trip linked beautifully with this. We have many Pacifica students in our class and it enabled them to make connections to their heritage, culture and history.

Melissa Heard from Masterton Intermediate

 Fantastic background information for my students; they all really enjoyed it. Great resource that all students and teachers should use.

Daniele Cuthbert from Edgecumbe School
