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Virtual Great Walker

Definitely sparked some very valuable discussions on stewardship of our natural resources. Worked well in bringing the reality of the walk to students who are unfamiliar with these areas.

Gabriel Hawke from St Mary's School Hastings

From the start of the trip, the students were actively engaged - making connections with their own lives and new information they were receiving - even our hunters were interested! Throughout this year we are looking at environmental issues and what we can do to help - as individuals and as a school.  This field trip aligned with this nicely.

Marcia Ferguson from Rosebank School Balclutha

Very engaging. Tied perfectly with our current inquiry into Hauora.

Courtney Wiedel from Ashburton Borough School

It (LEARNZ) is the best online learning community I know of for NZ students.  Working with real scientists on real issues and practical matters such as preparing for a tramp really fired the imaginations of my students. It has been fantastic for my ESOL learners, particularly the videos and it is great to be able to listen to the text as well.

Sue Hodge from Elm Park School

Integrated reading and writing programme used to maximise the relevant, meaningful context offered by LEARNZ. Integrated PE fitness programme using our local environment. LEARNZ has provided spring board for further learning on local walkways, conservation issues, and planning our own expedition. Another great trip, catering for all learning styles.

Stuart Cooke from Methven School

Photos and videos were great! I have Year 1 and 2 children so I chose the activities etc that I though were most appropriate to support our virtual walk.

Stephanie Kitto from Clyde School

The children were enthralled by this trip. They all want to go and walk the Routeburn for real now! A great way to 'hook' the children in. So interactive and 'real'.

Joanne Mortimer from Weston School

We are about to follow up the Virtual with our own 'Great Walk' in the Catlins. Great motivation an assistance with planning and risk management. This Field Trip was a superb avenue for exploring our devices, forming cooperative groups and accessing the curriculum. Even struggling readers found plenty of information and were able to follow with ease.

Martin Dodge from Balclutha School

Ruud Kleinpaste's enthusiasm was very engaging for the students. The field supported: Principles - Learning to learn; Future focus (sustainability) Values - innovation, inquiry, and curiosity; ecological sustainability Key Competencies - Thinking; Managing self (encouraging students to think about how to prepare for a tramp); Participating and contributing (encouraging students to think about what they can do in their own area) Learning Areas - English (Listening, Reading, and Viewing); Science (Living World, Planet Earth and Beyond) Vision - Connected (seeing what the kids from Glenorchy are doing); Actively involved (encouraging students to think about what they can do); Lifelong learners (tramping is something they are likely to do throughout their lives). 

Sarah Hoult from Waiheke Primary School

Students were really interested in the content which we used as part of our weekly reading programme and to support digital literacy. We also set it up for independent learning so students could gain self-management skills.

Megan Croll from Beachlands School

I have a Yr 5 6 7 class and all were interested. LEARNZ helps with the range of learning abilities within my class. It also gives students from different backgrounds a variety of different experiences that they may never have the chance to do.

Karen Catchpole from Wairere School

Audio conference was brilliant - by far the best component of the field trip (for us)! I used it (the field trip) from a health and physical education and science perspective.

Sarah Gaskin from Chertsey School

Engagement levels were awesome during our field trip. A GREAT FIELD TRIP! Lots of discussion, questioning, making connections. We linked some of our camp planning to the field trip, especially in terms of preparing for our hike and looking at the species of plants and creatures in our camping environment. Allows another teacher (the LEARNZ Teacher) to be in the room! Lessons are easy to plan from the field trip.

Tinaka Pawa from Oturu School

My students loved Rudd and his enthusiasm for the great outdoors and flora and fauna. We have been doing individual inquiries on the Great Walks and used this one as a model to show students what is out there and what they could do. It integrated english, science, visual arts, health and physical education.

Teresa Hutchins from St Mary's School Hastings

We are learning about Living things so this field trip connected in with our science unit.  As part of the Great Walks unit we are also trying to walk as much as we can this term which connects with the Key Competency of participation and contribution. Students found it very engaging and enjoyed being able to go on the LEARNZ website at home as well.  One student and their family is now going to go and walk the Routeburn Track next school holidays.

Te Ireland from Karoro School

Interesting and inspiring for my year 4 students, LEARNZ quizzed and challenged my children to be deeper thinkers. The field trip was something 'real' the children could learn about and it linked to all KCs and the principles of the NZC. Great for all learner needs.

Nichole Bichan from Rosebank School Balclutha


We integrated the learning across all curriculum areas, which was easily done. All my students enjoy learning in this way and the background reading was perfect for my Year 4 class.

Jacqueline Barrett from Westbrook School

Listening to someone who was there reinforced how close we are to Antarctica and viewing the videos diaries really focused the students into the whole experience. The readings and activities made students manage their time appropriately.

Ian Timo from Linwood College

My Year 7-10 students can access the field trip whenever needed, not necessarily during the trip. Relevant topic. Students keen to learn more about Antarctica.

Ruth Soper from Southern Regional Health School

Children loved every part of the experience- thoroughly engaging. Really cool for the students to be able to participate with a group outside of their immediate context!

Ruth Millett from Upper Harbour Primary School

My Year 7 & 8 students found the field trip very engaging and effective for many reasons eg. extending knowledge, developing inquiry skills, digital technology. It also covered science and social science well, and variously incorporated the Principles, Values, and Key Competencies of the NZC.

Alison Milne from Waipipi School

I run the GATE programme and we do Future Problem Solving so the ecological sustainability was particularly relevant. A great teaching tool which is motivating for students.

Maree Flashman from St Mary's School Ellerslie

It has taken my students to new worlds of understanding, given them purpose and focus to read and write about a 'real-life' topic that is of interest to them.

Alice Keeling from Springston School

The trips like Antarctica are fantastic. It enables all children no matter what ethnicity or socioeconomic group to explore the world. My teaching practice has been transformed as LEARNZ allows me to present learning with a digital approach, using multiple computers and devices and guiding students in combination with Google Classroom.

Pamela McDowell from Westbrook School

All students (Year 8, Levels 2-5) were able to access and make sense of the content. Antarctica fitted perfectly with our concept study of 'Environments'.  It was our first experience and we will be back for more.

Peter Fowler from Cobham Intermediate
