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Garden Bird Survey

This field trip aligned perfectly with out native bird inquiry this term, and gave great background information to support what we had already been learning. It was motivating and engaging - now the students are starting to have a real connection to the LEARNZ team and the process (of a virtual field trip).

Alice Keeling from Springston School

Being a country school with a strong environmental focus, this was a perfect field trip for our class. The field trip particularly supported curiosity, ecological sustainability, participating and contributing, integrity, citizen science, and community engagement.

Jane Pearson from Hira School

It gave a context for learning - becoming a civilian scientist contributing to a wider project. It linked to our school big idea of Nurturing Our Nature, encompassing science and social science (responsibility and impact).

Katherine Gerrand from Red Beach School

Where Are We?

Using a LEARNZ field trip is important in transforming my teaching from a part digital to a fully digital classroom. We spend three weeks working on this field trip as it fitted in really well with our whole school topic of examining our place in the world. It covered many of the areas of the NZ Curriculum through a cross curricular learning experience. My year 4/5 class liked the choice of reading or listening to the background material. The support provided is thorough and I found it very useful in my teaching.

Jennifer Barrow from Kaniere School

My tauira (students) were well engaged about GIS, maps and cartography by the background readings, videos, photos and captions, and listening in on the audioconference. They relished the opportunity to experience the ferry, train and plane through virtual learning. Good links to the Social Sciences and also Technolology.

Ngawahine Apanui from Te Waha O Rerekohu Area School

Good platform for introducing Science students to the concept of GPS. Students liked that there were videos of how GPS worked. The field trip also worked well for international students in the class and those with English as a second language.

Lucy Meagher from Havelock North High School

This field trip was engaging, fun and challenging for all involved. It linked well with our technology unit and also supported the Principles, Values, Key Competencies, Learning Areas and Vision of the NZ Curriculum.

Shelley Barbour from St Albans School

There was something for everyone, even for students with prior knowledge.

Stephen Wood from Greymouth Main School

My 15 year old said, "Wow - I never knew navigation technology was so technical and important!". It was great for the children to see some practical examples of where they could need to use some maths in the real world.

Rosie James from James Homeschool

It was great. They loved learning about GPS and GIS as it was something the students hadn't done before. It covered a wide variety of subjects.

Tracy Cappel from St Helier's School

This field trip provided ample opportunities for my Year 11 Geography students to engage in the subject matter and context. It was appropriate, and linked well to establishing a base understanding of GIS and some of its real life applications.

Matthew Satherley from John Paul College

It gave a rich context for our Maths and provided real relevance. All learning areas were integrated even though our focus area was Maths and the virtual field trip supported all aspects of the NZC vision statement.

Jo Dudley from Ilam School

Students were so involved that we had an expert bring a drone to school to demonstrate, and then take a group of students out to Lake Omapere to film where the outlets were that they identified on a map. They particularly enjoyed being part of the audio conferences, finding out information and also asking questions.

Diane Henderson from Ohaeawai School

Videos were very helpful to gain students' interest. Activities and discusssions were at the correct level for my class. The field trip involved students of all levels and abilities - they used skills and curriculum knowledge from English, Science, Maths and Social Sciences learning areas.

Michelle O'Neill from Verdon College

Waka Voyaging

It supported my year 9 topic of migrations. A great way of bringing the subject alive.

Andrew McMillan from Mana College

It was excellent, it fitted in really well with our topic as well as curriculum values, principals, KCs. Students got a lot out of the Waka virtual field trip and were excited by it.

Anna Morton from Pukekohe East School

It helped to provide a traditional context for teamwork, which was the focus of our inquiry last term. I felt the information was a good level for our learners (year 4).

Warwick King from Otatara School

Students could see links between real voyages (now) and those made by our ancestors. The programme was well thought out, informative, and had many options to use it in a variety of ways. It was engaging, fun, and a great way to learn something through a different medium.

Clare Curry from Rata Street School

The students were able to be self directed through this field trip. They then published a blog about their experiences.

Nicola Farrar from Patumahoe Primary School

Allowed opportunities for students to develop self management.

Whitney Hansen from Hoon Hay School

Students participated using all of the key competencies.

Adrienne Ackerman from St Leonards Road School

This field trip fitted in nicely with our health focus for the term, exploring hauora. The children were hooked in by the videos, with real people doing the jobs on the waka. It also fitted in with the Key Competencies and values - showing perseverance in the face of adversity, working together as a team, looking after our environment.

Louise Parker from Twyford School

We also visited the waka and helped with repairs to Nukutaiao. That made the (virtual field trip) experience very meaningful.

Rosemary Kara from Whakatane Intermediate

I try and do a field trip every term. They are so valuable as a resource and really promote learning in a real life situation. I love the Learnz Field Trips!

Louise Parker from Twyford School

The topic tied in nicely with our class health focus on 'being in the waka' and working together. Although many of my students didn't connect culturally to this field trip, it was a new experience for them and therefore was engaging.

Alice Keeling from Springston School
