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Whats the Plan Stan?

I used it as part of my independent learning and group reading sessions. This field trip showed the children how they can be managing their own safety.

Kim-Sherree Dalton from Kaharoa School

Activities (interactive) are great. Visiting places and discussing in short (video) clips are useful. Students had information at a variety of levels and had access to an expert, allowing teacher to become facilitator.

Kerry Godkin from Red Beach School

We gained valuable information from the experts. We practised 'Managing Self' while completing the web conference task sheets.

Clare Smyth from Sacred Heart Cathedral School

At Year 2 level, fire drills, earthquake drills etc need more context, and this field trip provided that. This field trip helped students to become engaged in society by having a better understanding of how good citizens understand and prepare for disasters.

John Brunton from Marshall Laing School

Children engaged with this resource and were excited to learn about disasters in this way. Background pages were a great support to the children's learning as they were easy to use as an independent or group or whole class activity, especially with two reading levels and with the read-aloud option.

Karen Buchanan from Whakamarama School

The field trip really helped the children to think and plan ahead what they would do to keep safe in an emergency. The videos linked to disasters that could happen in our area.

Angela Hunt from Red Beach School

Complemented the Key Competencies like self-management and organisation in terms of thinking about your own situation, talking to family about advanced planning etc.

Mark Scully from St Joseph's School Fairlie

This is a fantastic resource for all as there is a lot of information compiled into a number of units. We are ever so grateful for the hard work put into making LEARNZ virtual field trips.

Seuga Frost from Ohau School

This field trip linked in really well with our Science Inquiry and the real world nature of the field trip, which the children felt connected to and motivated them to self-direct their learning and go further. I have had excellent learning from my children from the LEARNZ Virtual Field Trips. I think they are fantastic.

Kelly Parker from Papakowhai School

The fieldtrip background pages allowed my Year 8 class of very diverse abilities to engage at their various levels - at least a quarter of the class really appreciated the audio text! It was also a great opportunity for my students to integrate inquiry learning into our course.

Claudine Tyrrell from Kaikorai Valley College

I always enjoy the LEARNZ Field Trips. They enhance my teaching.

Karen Blue from Roxburgh Area School

The subject was national and we localised it by making a plan for our schools which we shared with the whole community. The key competency of  'managing self' is very relevant here and the activities and videos were great.

Hilary Spedding from Millers Flat School

It was great to have real-life experiences recounted and for students to be able to communicate with scientists. The "What's the Plan, Stan?" topic was relevant, and seeing the conference call made students even more interested.

Dale Machin from Buckland School

Our students are manly visual learners so through watching the videos they were able to sustain attention longer and retain more information. Also every activity in the field trip, I believe, has in some way reflected the Key Competencies and Values in the Curriculum.

Mateja Kotnik from Oaklynn Special School

The background material was appropriate for my class and we asked a question in the live web conference, which was well answered.

Karen Blue from Roxburgh Area School

This trip was extremely uselful as our inquiry in Term Four is "Keeping Ourselves Safe". Insights from the experts were particularly effective for my class.

Lynda Lamb from Bell Block School

The students loved Stan the dog and the way he acted out in the video. This held the younger viewers interest, but also reinforced the learning points. It made online learning very purposeful, more than just a research or processing tool. Talking to someone in Auckland from Picton was very powerful and engaging for learners.

Elizabeth Ives from Picton School

Connects with studets' wider lives, and engages the support of their families, whānau, and communities. Another vehicle that can be used to engage students with like-thinking students across the motu.

Tarakihana Roberts from Kaitao Intermediate

Fitted in well with our civil defence week. Engaged the students. Have recommended to colleagues and our whole team will use this next year.

Jayne Senington from Conifer Grove School

A LEARNZ field trip is such a great motivator. The visuals meant that all students could participate in this field trip during ShakeOut. 

Jacqueline van Der Beek from Omanu School

My multi-levelled students thoroughly enjoyed participating in watching the movies and learning through accessing the background pages and quizzes. LEARNZ is a great package of information and up to date footage, that makes usage and planning of the unit very easy for me as a teacher.

Sabine Hartmann from Karangahake School

Participation helped students to learn to work together as a team, so they were able to formulate appropriate questions to put to the experts. Really created an awareness of the need to have an emergency plan.

Nadeema Nordien from Zayed College for Girls

Field trips like these help build connected, lifelong, sustainable learners.

Steven Bodger from Piopio College

I found the easy background pages appropriate for most students and the ability to have the text read to them was really helpful. Motivating and interesting - my Year 4 students especially enjoyed the videos.

Gina Wan from Levin East School

Direct connection to what we were studying in our syndicate, all resources in one place, real people and real context helped engage the children in the learning. All resources are New Zealand appropriate and very suitable for my Year 5&6 class. I felt very supported with instant responses to the emails I sent. 

Lisa O'Connor from St Teresa's School Featherston
