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People and Water

The LEARNZ delivery method made it easier to work alongside students with their learning rather than in front of them. Students have been engaged and motivated to ask questions and wonder about things.

Amanda O'Brien from St Joseph's School Timaru

It fitted well with our Sustainability Social Studies topic.

Rana Richards from Mount Hutt College

Year 4-5 student comment: "It is interesting because the people know stuff that we don't know - it's good to read and watch the videos about it."

Jan Flannery from Masterton Primary School

Love the fact that the articles have an audio feature so children with low reading levels can be included too. The field trip connected to what we were learning in class and it provided a good hook-in ... and they got to learn from experts.

Lisa Davies from Red Beach School

Appropriate and effective, especially for Kaitiakitanga. Students particularly liked looking and watching the updates.

Kevin Sutherland from Ahuroa School

Year 4-5 student comment: "Doing this field trip was interesting because I was learning about irrigators and water on earth".

Jan Flannery from Masterton Primary School

We used the videos to connect with our conceptual learning topic of sharing our world. Appropriate and effective.

John Cormack from Milford School (Auckland)

Allowed students to access information they would have struggled to find themselves and inspired independent study on questions students raised. This is an excellent multimedia resource with differentiated learning that supports an inclusive curriculum.

Gordon Baird from Tapawera Area School

LEARNZ field trips like this expose my students to things (places, concepts, experts etc) that they would not otherwise be exposed to.

Jan Flannery from Masterton Primary School

The variety of activities, materials and the actual (live) web conferences added value to our inquiry about water (wai). The way the topic was presented enabled my (predominantly Māori) students to put their own words to it, to explain it.

Tarakihana Roberts from Kaitao Intermediate

Very interesting and well explained. It helped my students to think about all the different users of the water and encouraged them to discuss it with whanau.

Judith Stichbury from Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu

It was effective to tune students into ideas they had not thought of, and wonder. The virtual field trip is a good way to leave the classroom without the big cost.

Kara Luke from Sancta Maria Catholic Primary School

I love how it helps my (secondary school) students see that they are part of a bigger picture and enforces the idea that small changes from individuals amount to big changes. Perfect for our topic of sustainability and worked in really well with the Sustainable Seas virtual field trip.

Jessica McConnell from Mount Hutt College

Hand-picked videos for my senior science class to show practical applications of theory. They help link an NCEA chemistry topic to the real world and show participation of science in the local community.

Lucy Meagher from Havelock North High School

Good to have a variety of ways to understand the Water topic such as web conferences, quizzes, background information etc.

Caroline Brown from Wakari School

This Water field trip fitted in well with our inquiry related to weather and it introduced the children to a variety of physical geography concepts and exmaples. It fostered curiosity and all the core competencies, and it effectively integrated a variety of curriculum areas.

Susan Fennell from Eastern Hutt School

The videos were good because they were short and they were 'in the field'. This field trip was part of our "Finding out about water" unit and so it had some useful information. The field trip medium means it is a future-focused way of delivering information and has the potential to connect students to other students' lives while covering a range of learning areas.

Philippa Hood from St Paul's School (Richmond)

The course was great for student engagement and they had fun learning about farming and irrigation.

Glen Campbell from West Spreydon School

The material was definitely at an appropriate level for my Year 7-8 class. It tied in with our Science focus and enabled students to explore places that they would not usually see. It also gives them a chance to "meet" and work with outside teachers and experts.

Marcia Karaitiana from Ascot Community School

The field trip encouraged my students to think more deeply about the topic while reflecting on what they already knew.

Emily Creasey from Red Beach School

We planned a trip to discover Canterbury based on this virtual field trip. It was good for the students to meet real life experts and it was good to follow Andrew's progress via daily updates online.

Vanessa Burrell from Haeata Community Campus

Marine Mammals

It tied in perfectly with our focus on Toiora te Moana. Supports strongly our values at Merrin - Kaitiakitanga - guardianship especially.

Francis Ganderton from Merrin School

The field trip had a place in all areas of the NZ curriculum e.g covered reading, writing, geography, mathematics, art. Students were able to make connections to their own personal experiences.

Adrienne Maxwell from Waitara East School

Every time I used the support area I was able to find what I needed. The virtual field trip was very appropriate - I had to differentiate content for my littlies but it was very usable.

Jennifer Sinclair from Kaiapoi Borough School

It encouraged students to use a range of communication skills and certainly helped us to target the Living World science curriculum.

Anita Phillips from Alfredton School
