<- Homepage: Expedition Fiordland: putting the eco in ecosystem field trip
Web conferences with schools are hosted live by the LEARNZ Teacher and are coordinated by the LEARNZ Office.
Topic | Experts - meet them | Speaking Schools | Recording |
Taonga of Fiordland and the importance of Fiordland to Aotearoa |
Maria Kuster - Pure Salt Owner/Operator and Peter McMurtrie - Department of Conservation |
St Theresa's School, Year 5 | Replay the recording at https://vimeo.com/460386122 (50 minutes) - the passcode is on the left in your teacher's MyLEARNZ. |
Fiordland ecology and biodiversity |
Maria Kuster - Pure Salt Owner/Operator and Peter McMurtrie - Department of Conservation |
Bethlehem School, Year 6 | Replay the recording at https://vimeo.com/460746598 (38 minutes) - the passcode is on the left in your teacher's MyLEARNZ. |
Protecting and restoring Tamatea and how to start your own restoration project | Maria Kuster - Pure Salt Owner/Operator and Peter McMurtrie - Department of Conservation | Tongariro School, Year 11 Geography. | Replay the recording at https://vimeo.com/461164972 (41 minutes) - the passcode is on the left in your teacher's MyLEARNZ. |
Questions from St Theresa's School for Web Conference 1
- Are conservation dogs used in Tamatea/Dusky Sound?
- Does plastic litter from the ocean come into the sounds and can you stop litter coming in?
- What is the biggest threat to Fiordland?
- Who helps with the conservation work and how many people work in your team?
- How often do the birds get a check up and do you check the nocturnal birds at night?
- What types of pests are there in Fiordland and are the boats checked for pests?
- Where did Richard Henry live in Dusky Sound?
- Are there endangered fish in Dusky Sound?
- Why did only a few Maori live in Fiordland?
- How can we help?
Extra questions from other schools
- You said you ate rat on your voyage. What does rat taste like?
- Are there any predators to eat the gorse of the sea (Undaria)?
- What do you do in Fiordland if you find an animal has a broken leg?
- How many myths are there about Fiordland? Do you have a favourite?
Questions from Bethlehem School for Web Conference 2
- What is the biggest fish that has been caught in Fiordland?
- How many takahē are there in Fiordland?
- Who named Fiordland?
- What makes it so special that we need to protect it so much more than where we live?
- How long have you been studying Fiordland and doing this sort of job - do you enjoy it?
- How many different animals are there in Fiordland?
- Are people allowed to get the black coral?
- What is the most threatening pest?
- What is the most threatened animal in Fiordland?
Questions from Tongariro School for Web Conference 3
- How authentic is the Tamatea environment and ecosystem?
- Why is there a need to restore ecosystems?
- We are intrigued by the name Pure Salt, what is the origin of this?
- How many different momo (species) are there in the Tamatea ecosystem?
- Can you explain the term 'biobank'?
- What are the main predators in this ecosystem and how did they get there?
- What is a tracking tunnel and can you explain its purpose?
- Are there successful methods used to remove rats?
- Who finances the efforts being made to restore Tamatea's environment?
- What are some of the ways we could participate in our local ecosystem and Tamatea to help their sustainability?
Web Conferences activities
- Web conference activity for students: PDF (167k) | Google Doc.
- Create a web conference summary: PDF (114k) | Google Doc.